LifeLine Partners

Download an enrollment form. Please spread the news to your group.

Lifelines do make a difference!

While all donations are greatly appreciated, LifeLines alone provide the steady, predictable income that allows for planning of complex and long-term projects. The growth in the number of LifeLine Partners has allowed the ISO to provide unprecedented levels of support for outreach projects. Major multi-media outreach projects have been conducted in major cities across the United States. These projects have given us the potential to reach several million people! Additional outreach projects will continue to be supported by LifeLines. Thank you for making your LifeLine donation!


We have a total of 1123 LifeLine Partners as of 11/07/2024

We previously had 1124 LifeLine Partners @ $34,401 as of 10/31/2024

How to Participate: Enroll as a new LifeLine Partner or increase your current LifeLine.

To join LifeLine Partners:

  1. Donate by text

All URLs are case-sensitive.

2. Print an enrollment form and mail it to ISO, PO Box 70949, Houston, TX 77270,

3. Call us at 713-869-4902 and sign up over the phone

The ISO thanks you for your support!

As a thank you for your support with a LifeLine, the Seventh Tradition Committee will provide you with a token of our appreciation with a LifeLine Partner hat.

Current LifeLine Partners can get these hats by emailing

LifelineGeneral DonationGiving ThanksInfo on Giving