Group Registration Form

More information for registering your group, including a printable registration form, can be found here.

Note: This form is not required when making changes to an already registered meeting. Email changes to the meeting registrar or call the ISO at 713-869-4902. Please include your group code if possible.

ISO Contact Information (This section is for internal use only. Never published.)

(Critical: E-mail is the main contact method between the ISO and your meeting.)

Additional contacts - Internal only. Will not be published


Mail printed copy of ISO newsletter (The Outer Circle)

Group/Meeting Details

Meeting Day:

Meeting Start Time (required—if time varies or is not set, select TBD): :

Meeting Duration (in minutes):

Time Zone:

Is this meeting a hybrid* meeting: YesNo
*A hybrid meeting is a meeting that meets locally in a physical location but also has a virtual option for members who cannot attend physically. Hybrid meetings will be listed under "Local" not "Telemeetings." Virtual information will be given alongside physical information.

Local (Face-to-face) Meetings

List local (face-to-face) location on the web?

Virtual (Telemeeting/Electronic) Meetings

List virtual (electronic) meeting access information on the web?

Meeting Gender (Makeup):

Meeting Focus:

Meeting Access: '

Open Meetings:
This indicates a meeting that is open to anyone interested in learning about SAA, whether or not he or she has a problem with sex addiction. Family members, spouses, significant others, and visitors may attend.

Closed Meetings:
This indicates that the meeting admits only persons who desire to stop addictive sexual behavior (addicts only).
"Closed" meeting locations will be listed on the website and will be given to anyone who calls the ISO asking about meetings.
"Closed/12/New" meeting locations are not published. Newcomers must meet with a member of the group before attending.
"Closed/12/All" meeting locations will not be published nor will they be given over the phone. All who want to attend must contact a local member.

Meeting Format:

Group / Intergroup Contact information (No personal numbers or info)

Yes! List on web.

ISO policies on copyright and fair use, on use of ISO trademarks, and on linking to local web sites from the SAA sites have been updated through a joint effort of the ISO Literature Committee, the Information Systems and Online Presence Committee, and the ISO Board of Trustees. These policies reflect principles in the Twelve Traditions of SAA. They are designed to help member groups carry the SAA message with clarity and consistency and to protect ISO resources. These documents may be downloaded here. Note that linking to a local site from SAA is contingent on compliance with these policies.

Local Meeting Member Contacts (Volunteers to answer calls & emails from newcomers)

If possible, it is very helpful to have a contact name and number (or more than one) listed for referrals. If "List on web" is not checked, info will be given to callers but will not be published on the web. This is critical for meetings that chose "Closed/12/All" or "Closed/12/New" above.

Yes! List on web.
Yes! List on web.

Yes! List on web.
Yes! List on web.

Yes! List on web.
Yes! List on web.

Yes! List on web.
Yes! List on web.

"Acting on behalf of our group's conscience, we certify that this group is an SAA group as defined in Article II, Section 1b of the ISO of SAA, Inc. By-laws which define an SAA group as one that follows the 12 Steps and 12 Traditions of SAA"

Electronic Signatures:

How do we use this information?

By signing and submitting this form, you give the ISO permission give your contact information to other ISO entities, upon request, for the purpose of communication within the areas.