Literature Committee

“The Literature Committee shall have supervisory authority over the content of all ISO publications.”

— Bylaws of the ISO of SAA, Inc., Article V, Section 3

The ISO Literature Committee (LitCom) is made up of members of the fellowship, who are elected for three-year terms by the delegates at an annual meeting of the ISO Conference. The LitCom, established in the Bylaws of the International Service Organization (ISO), is charged with “supervisory authority over the content of all ISO publications.”

Service on the LitCom represents a major commitment of time and energy in support of the mission of the ISO and the welfare of the fellowship at large. Members of the LitCom meet face-to-face for two days prior to the annual meeting of the Conference in Houston every October. Throughout the year, the LitCom meets monthly for two hours by teleconference. In addition, subcommittees and work groups meet by teleconference as needed—typically once a month.


The LitCom’s primary task is to review, edit, and approve SAA literature for publication. LitCom does not write SAA literature. Literature is written by members of the fellowship and submitted for consideration by LitCom. LitCom then reviews the document to assure that it carries the SAA message of recovery and that it conforms to the established guidelines and style sheet adopted by LitCom.

The LitCom invites members of the fellowship to submit original compositions about the SAA program of recovery for consideration and possible publication by the ISO. In this way, SAA literature reflects the experience, strength, and hope of its members.

If you have any feedback related to our existing literature, please send us an email with your input at Please make your input as specific as possible to help us ensure that our literature is the highest possible quality.

The guidelines for submission of literature, as well as a pre-review questionnaire and release form, are available here.

Authors are encouraged to consult the Literature Committee style sheet when writing material for possible publication by the ISO. The LitCom uses the Chicago Manual of Style, Seventeenth Edition, as its primary reference and includes additional guidelines for standard use of terminology that is specific or unique to SAA.