“We depend on each other to stay sexually sober, and SAA depends on our service to keep functioning. Service in SAA ranges from one-on-one outreach over a cup of coffee to the worldwide outreach performed by the International Service Organization (ISO)… At the international level, the ISO provides services that member groups and intergroups cannot provide on their own.”
— Sex Addicts Anonymous, p. 75-76
The International Service Organization (ISO) of SAA, Inc. is incorporated as a non-profit organization under Section 501 (c) (3) of the U.S Internal Revenue Service Code. As such, the ISO conducts the official business of SAA and, in addition, provides services and coordinates activities on behalf of the fellowship. The ISO office is located in Houston, Texas.
Mission and Vision Statements
The ISO serves member groups by helping carry the SAA message of recovery to the sex addict who still suffers.
Our vision is to be a premier global resource for recovery in support of SAA and the sex addict who still suffers.
Operating under the direction and fiduciary responsibility of the Board of Trustees, the ISO serves as the center of business operations, as well as the focal point of communication and coordination among the autonomous groups within the fellowship. In keeping with Tradition Seven, the ISO is supported by the voluntary contributions of member groups and members of the fellowship.
The ISO conducts the business of the corporation.
Assures compliance with all laws and regulations governing non-profit corporations.
Registers and protects SAA trademarks and copyrights.
Accounts for SAA resources, including money, assets, and human resources.
Maintains the ISO office.
The ISO serves the member groups, members of the fellowship, and outside persons requesting information about or referral to the SAA program of recovery.
Publishes and distributes SAA literature and other materials used by local groups.
Provides referrals to meetings for persons seeking recovery.
Provides information to members of the fellowship about meetings and ISO resources.
Provides information to the media about SAA and our program of recovery.
The ISO coordinates fellowship-wide activities.
Coordinates, in conjunction with the local convention committee, the planning and on-site management of the annual international convention,
Coordinates, in conjunction with the Conference Planning Committee the on-site management of the annual ISO business meeting.
Coordinates, in conjunction with the Board of Trustees, Literature Committee and Conference Steering Committee the on-site management of face-to-face meetings for these entities.
Plans the budgets and manages the financial aspects of all fellowship-wide activities.
Coordinates the communications and activities of the Board of Trustees and its committees.
Provides teleconferencing services for use by the various ISO entities.
Provides a focal point of central communications and supplies printed materials in support of the SAA prisoner outreach program.
In keeping with the Twelve Traditions of SAA, the ISO provides a means of achieving unity of purpose and practice for the fellowship-wide activities desired by the diverse, autonomous SAA groups throughout the world.