“Our fellowship is open to women and men, regardless of age, race, religion, ethnic background, marital status, or occupation. We welcome members of any sexual identity or orientation, whether they are gay, lesbian, straight, bisexual, or transgender.”
— Sex Addicts Anonymous, p. 1-2
Within the ISO, there is a Women’s Outreach Committee (WOC), which is made up of women sex addicts from all over the world. The WOC meets monthly by video conference (Zoom) to discuss and plan ways to carry the SAA message to the (woman) sex addict who still suffers. To obtain information on monthly video conference meetings and the WOC, email or
The WOC Vision or Statement of Purpose is: “To carry the SAA message of recovery to the (woman) sex addict who still suffers.”
Mission is: “To reach out to all women who desire to stop addictive sexual behavior; to assist these women in connecting with other SAA women; to provide a safe place for women to reach out to other women for support and sponsorship; and to give women a voice in the SAA fellowship.”
Scope of work for the WOC is:
Maintain and grow the Women’s Outreach List also known as The Grace List
Prepare a “Dear Grace” column for each issue of The Outer Circle.
Maintain a WOC presence at each SAA international convention including hosting a women-only room.
Serve as content expert for the women’s pages on the ISO website.
Facilitate sharing of experience, strength, and hope (ESH) with other ISO committees, such as those in the Fellowship Internal Standing Committee (ISC) and the Intergroup Communication Committee (ICC).
Coordinate ways for the ISO to hear women’s voices, such as panel discussions and workshops at ISO conventions.
In addition the WOC maintains the SAA Women’s Outreach List, also known as the Grace List, an email list for women in recovery. Send an email to for more information about how to join and gain access to the Grace List.
Another way to connect with women sex addicts is through telemeetings and video conference meetings. These are meetings conducted by telephone or online. There is at least one meeting every day of the week. Attending a telemeeting or video meeting is as easy as dialing a long distance number and entering a pass code.
Remember to introduce yourself at the beginning of the meeting, so you can experience the warmth and love of this supportive network of women from all over the world.
Email for more information on telemeetings and video meetings. Information about retreats and other special events of interest are also available on this website or from the ISO office at .
The WOC also writes the “Dear Grace” column in The Outer Circle.
“Dear Grace”, is a women’s column written by the Women’s Outreach Committee members.
The “Dear Grace” column started in the September 2007 ISO newsletter The Plain Brown Rapper.
The statement of purpose for Dear Grace is “to reach out to all women with a desire to stop addictive sexual behavior through this printed medium and share with the fellowship the types of questions the Grace e-mail receives.”
“Dear Grace” appears in every issue of SAA’s bimonthly newsletter The Outer Circle previously known as The Plain Brown Rapper.
The column’s topics have been submitted by individual SAA members or WOC members and are chosen by WOC members.