News & Events
2024 Outer Circle Will Feature Topical Issues
The 2024 The Outer Circle will feature articles on specific topics. For more information, see ...
Feedback Needed: Proposed Tradition Eleven Changes
At the 2024 meeting of the ISO Delegate Conference, Area 54 proposed a change to Tradition Ele...
For Review: Draft Twelve Concepts of SAA Service
At the 2021 meeting of the ISO Conference, the delegates approved a method of adopting or chan...
LGBT Members Looking for Sponsorship
The LGBT Fellowship Sub-committee is looking for LGBT and LGBT-friendly members to sponsor the...
Submit literature with new online form
Submit literature to the literature committee with this new online form! The ISO Literature Co...
International service opportunities
Service opportunities within the ISO also abound. These include participating in ISO areas as ...
2021-11-04 - 2525-12-31
Have an event to submit? Fill out the event announcement request here.
2025-02-02, Dates and times vary
Please join the Women’s Outreach Committee for their spring workshop series on safe and sober dating. Each 90-minute online workshop will offer experience, strength, and hope, a Q & A session, and printable resources. This workshop is for all fellows seeking recovery from compulsive sexual behavior. Only SAA members may attend. Three dates and times: […]
2025-02-08, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. local time
Paris is hosting a bilingual “Day of Recovery,” open to the public. Refreshments will be served. If you, or someone you know, might be addicted to sex, romance, or relationships, or suffer from sexual anorexia, come learn about the program of Sex Addicts Anonymous®. DSA Paris organise une Journée du rétablissement bilingue, ouverte au public. […]
2025-02-22, 9:00am-5:00pm
The annual Toronto SAA Conference provides workshops and guest speakers discussing topics related to SAA and the Twelve Steps. *This is not to be confused with the ISO Conference that will be held in May.
2025-04-25 - 2025-04-27, Friday 5pm - Sunday 1 pm CST
A weekend for men of sharing our experience, hope and strength at a large lake-side camp in Denton, TX. The meeting fee includes registration, room and board for three days and two nights. Members will present various topics and experience towards recovery. Plenty of time for fellowship, frisbee, catch, fishing and a Saturday night bonfire. […]