Annual Appeal

The Annual Appeal runs September 2024 to December 2024.

Your Help Will Make a Difference

While much has been done to carry the message of recovery, we can and must do more. With your help, we will reach those still struggling alone.

🇺🇸 — United States

🇨🇦 — Canada

🇺🇳 — International


Individual Donations: $7,289.88 and Group Donations: $6,978.90 as of 10/11/2024

Previously we had Individual Donations: $2,183 and Group Donations: $1,168 as of 10/04/2024

For all other donations, click here.

Dear Members of the SAA Fellowship:

Sexual addiction destroys lives and families. It destroys dreams and continues to keep many living in darkness. Most of us would still be lost if we had not found the fellowship of SAA.

Most estimates are that 3 to 5 percent of the population meets the criteria for sexual addiction. The current estimated combined population of the United States and Canada is 385,000,000. Even using the more conservative 3% estimate, that equates to 11,550,000 suffering sex addicts just in North America.

As a member of SAA, you have an opportunity to change the world – one life at a time. Have you experienced the gift of recovery through SAA? If you could, would you share the gift of freedom with a person still struggling?

The ISO needs your support to help us serve a growing fellowship. None of us can do it alone, but working together, we can have an enormous positive impact on this serious problem.

We need more and improved resources to attract the addict who still suffers. An urgent priority is the redesign of our website –especially the meeting search page. We need to expand the number of groups that reach out to professionals through mailings, presentations, or attending professional conferences. There is also a critical need for additional prison writers.

All of these vital activities need your support. We simply do not have the funds to implement or expand many of these plans and projects.

By responding to this appeal, you will help the ISO to support initiatives that can change the lives of many sex addicts. Please consider giving what you can. For many, your gift will be a gift of life.

The ISO wishes to express its gratitude for the many donations and hours of service you and other members have provided during 2024 and in previous years!

We ask for your financial contributions today to help us expand our reach to many, many more. Please be generous with your gifts.

Please donate today and help us reach our goal of $22,000!

Tracy R
Executive Director, ISO of SAA
On behalf of the ISO Board of Trustees

How are my donations used?

30 Essential ISO Services and Resources

The ISO:

  1. Refers newcomers to local SAA meetings and answers 1500+ phone calls, emails, letters, and texts per month.
  2. Manages the bookstore; sells and ships literature and sobriety chips/medallions.
  3. Ships about 50 free packets of literature to prisoners per month.
  4. Maintains Sponsorship by Mail Program: Coordinates more than 400 SAA prisoner letter writers.
  5. Receives an average of 200 letters per month from prisoners and forwards them to their SAA letter writer.
  6. Educates prison officials about the SAA program.
  7. Guides and supports SAA members to start new meetings.
  8. Registers new meetings.
  9. Updates the meeting database and lists public meeting information on
  10. Maintains four websites:,,, and Developing a fifth website:
  11. Cooperates with the U.S and Canadian 2-1-1 information network of health, human, and social service organizations and provides SAA contact information for their websites.
  12. Through the Author’s Group, supports members and groups who wish to develop and submit literature.
  13. Produces literature in paper, electronic, and audio formats.
  14. Works with various distributors to see that SAA literature is available in bookstores, online bookstores, and internationally.
  15. Registers SAA trademarks and copyrights and protects them from unauthorized use.
  16. Coordinates translations of SAA literature into various languages.
  17. Supports ISO service committees.
  18. Organizes over 40 Zoom conferences per month for various service committees and the Board of Trustees.
  19. Responds to inquiries from the media.
  20. Publishes the bi-monthly newsletter The Outer Circle, which is delivered electronically to all members, including over 600 inmates.
  21. Presents training webinars to SAA members on how to carry the message and other topics.
  22. Provides support to help groups carry the message of recovery via mailings, e-mails, attending professional conferences, etc.
  23. Attends national professional conferences/conventions and educates attendees about SAA.
  24. Identifies, trains, and supports local Cooperation with the Professional Community (CPC) Coordinators –about 100. (CPC is similar to outreach).
  25. Identifies, trains, and supports local LifeLine Champions – about 28 of them presently.
  26. Communicates SAA news and events via emails and websites, and soon by text.
  27. Provides separate support lists for women, men, and LGBT members.
  28. Coordinates the annual Delegate Conference, including creating the website for meeting and hotel registration.
  29. Coordinates the annual ISO International Convention, including creating the website for meeting and hotel registration.
  30. Supervises audit of SAA finances while ensuring compliance with all applicable laws and regulations, including quarterly/annual reporting and collection of sales taxes.

Lifeline – General Donation – Giving Thanks – Info on Giving