Sex Addicts Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their message of recovery and hope for the purpose of breaking the bondage of addiction and learning to live free from addictive sexual behavior.
The basic principles of recovery practiced by SAA are found in the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions, which were adapted with permission from Alcoholics Anonymous.
We would like to thank members of the public media who have given us the opportunity in the past to carry our message of hope and recovery to thousands of men and women trapped in obsessive sexual thoughts and compulsive sexual behavior. We recognize the importance of spreading the recovery message through print and broadcast media, and we wish to foster cooperation in the future in anticipation of reaching out to many more addicts.
We respectfully request that the media cooperate with us in maintaining the anonymity of SAA members, an essential feature of all Twelve-Step recovery programs. As a principle, anonymity operates on two different levels. One reminds us to strive for humility, never taking credit personally or speaking as an authority on behalf of SAA. The other provides the safety of confidentiality that will allow prospective members to seek our help without fear of unwarranted publicity.
If a person is to be identified in the media as a member of SAA, we respectfully request that only a first name be used (e.g. John or Mary), and that no photographs or electronic images be used in which a member’s face can be recognized. In this way, SAA members may feel comfortable providing recovery information to public audiences while remaining true to the Traditions of our fellowship. More information about SAA is available on the SAA website at
Although our fellowship has no opinion on outside issues, we are glad to provide information about the SAA recovery program to anyone who seeks it. Through a newly organized Speakers Bureau, the International Service Organization (ISO) of SAA can provide men or women who have found recovery through SAA to participate in media engagements. The Speakers Bureau may be reached through the or by telephone at 800-477-8191 or 713-869-4902, or by postal mail at ISO of SAA, Inc., PO Box 70949, Houston, TX 77270.
We welcome your questions, and we look forward to working with you.
Public Information Subcommittee of the General Outreach Committee
ISO Board of Trustees